Outstanding display! Congrats to the both of you. You're free of the Borg and its mind-control, and best of all, you have each other!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all here on JWN.
my husband just won the city wide holiday light display for christmas i am so proud .
just a few short years ago i was the one that put a strand of white lights around the porch railing ,and a couple of lighted deer in the yard ....that brought the elders around real quick (after three years of silence ) at that time my husband was still holding onto the notion his faith was not bond to a cult .
it didn't take long after the 'loving sheparding call' for him to see things in another light.
Outstanding display! Congrats to the both of you. You're free of the Borg and its mind-control, and best of all, you have each other!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all here on JWN.
back when i was a wee lad, my dad told me that the brothers in brooklyn had voted to purchase a cadillac motor car for the sole use of the then president, nathan h knorr.
he'd got this information from the london bethel, him being a chum of the then branch overseer, pryce hughes and his pal ron drage.
religious leaders of non-profit sects are supposed to take a vow of poverty!.
It's not so much that Knorr received a Cadillac(!), oh my, it's that it was covered up and he treated it as a bribe by doing something he would not have otherwise.
As far as the Cessna 402 goes, that was never covered up. In fact, there was an article (Watchtower or Awake!, I'm not sure) that talked about it and how they used it in Alaska to reach isolated communities.
Cadillacs aren't that special anyway. I think it's just the name that's so iconic. Heck, I've bought several new ones over the years and I'm just a regular working man. I don't buy new cars very often, but when I do, I get a nice one. (Before anyone accuses me of putting on airs, the last new car I bought was in 2007, and it was not a Cadillac.)
in fort worth, texas around 1959. gradually i became aware of the argot.
special, private language).
jw's had these phrases they used over and over again.. upon first hearing, these words and phrases stood out as odd, weird or awkward.. however.
"Back call" is no longer used. I think they're now called "return visits."
Then there was all the brouhaha over whether you were supposed to "vindicate" or "sanctify" the big J's name.
And remember when the "Service Center" which became the "Rendezvous"?
And all Servants were changed into Overseers. (Boy, is that a loaded word. Especially since the Borg has more black and Hispanic members than anything else. And that's where almost all the growth is nowadays.)
Probably lots more I can't recall at the moment.
back when i was a wee lad, my dad told me that the brothers in brooklyn had voted to purchase a cadillac motor car for the sole use of the then president, nathan h knorr.
he'd got this information from the london bethel, him being a chum of the then branch overseer, pryce hughes and his pal ron drage.
religious leaders of non-profit sects are supposed to take a vow of poverty!.
Just to be the Devil's advocate, I am a commercial airline pilot with lots of experience in light airplanes too. I am familiar with this particular airplane. There is no way you could rightly describe this Cessna 402 being flown in Alaska as luxurious. Spartan and utilitarian would be far more accurate.
I will concede that this airplane was being used appropriately, given the circumstances. Scandal is to be found within the Borg,no doubt, but you will need to look elsewhere in this instance.
So I have a friend who has this rash...
current update- the wife and i are separated.
i dont go to the meetings or in service but im not df, or da.
she is not budging.. problem- my wife has made it clear that she doesnt want me back unless i do all the witness stuff, i have even offered to attend meetings but not participate in commenting or go in service and this is not good enough.
I guess the first question is, do you want to stay with her?
If you do, then you could point her to 1Cor. 7:13, where Pauls tells wives not to leave (or send away) an unbelieving husband who is willing to live with her. If you are willing to at least attend some meetings and not constantly harangue her about the Truth©, then she has no "scriptural grounds" to force you to separate or divorce.
In fact, if she insists on bringing the elders in on the matter, they'd be pretty much "forced" to support your position.
Of course, as a practical matter, staying with someone who doesn't really want you can be a special hell in and of itself.
Please submit 2¢ for this valuable advice.
just got back from a cruise and dubs were walking around the boat faithfully wearing their jw.bore pins smdh.
than at cozumel i saw these lovely sisters.
I'm shocked at the brazen display of toe cleavage!
Seriously, they look very pleasant and friendly. Just two friends out doing what they believe they oughta on a beautiful day. Too bad they've been deluded into serving a mind-control cult. Such a waste of time and energy.
Hope you had a good time on your cruise.
standing up for yourself,and deciding to follow your own path takes strength .
you have to be strong especially if you were raised in a way of life that dictated so much of who you were .
while being raised as a jehovah's witness i was taught to follow ,unquestionally follow .i was told to put others before myself ,serve,don't stand out ,don't be independent .
Well said, Sir.
I also thank Simon for making this site available. No telling how many people it has helped, in real and tangible ways. Maybe he should be counting his time. I guarantee he's done more good with this than any amount of field circus time.
i got a call today from jw relative, wondering why i haven't answered correspondance.. no, i haven't called or written some jws in my life for a while.
i have chosen to not respond, or not quickly respond, to their inquiries.
yes, i've even blocked some from my social media and e-mail accounts.
I think being jealous and judgmental towards ex- and non-JW's in endemic in ze Organization (pronounced in my best Nazi accent). Any JW who is successful obviously has the big J's blessing. Any ex- or non-JW obviously owes his or her success to Satan. "They're living in THEIR paradise now!" Usually said in an undertone dripping with sarcasm and resentment. How often have you heard that?
Even though I am officially neither DA nor DF, certain family members give me the full shun treatment nonetheless. Others only appear to do so when another JW might find out we're in contact and look askance. Gotta keep up appearances, you know. Still others carry on normally as they always have.
Some of the ones most stringent in their shunning have their own skeletons in the closet. Deep dark family secrets that, if exposed, would seriously jeopardize their standing in the congregation. One who does not shun me has been disfellowshipped more than once but is currently in. He absolutely glories in regaling me and others about his exploits while disfellowshipped. No sign of repentance or regret at all. I truly believe he does not practice any of those things now, but he really enjoys telling those stories and I can tell he loves reliving his wild and hairy days. And when he gets upset about something, let's just say his language could make a sailor blush.
Of course, when somebody needs something, I'm the first one they call. I have loaned or given money to more than one, with no expectation of repayment. I have never once mentioned the incident to the persons involved or reminded them of it in any way. And I have always made the recipients promise to keep it a secret between them and me. Otherwise, I'd be hit up even more. But still, I can't be invited to most family events or even share a restaurant meal when certain family members are present because "he's really an apostate, the brothers just haven't dealt with him yet."
Some of my relatives are extremely smart and well-read, a few highly educated, and at least one has a genius IQ. But cognitive dissonance runs rampant like a virulent cancer, shutting down all critical reasoning and independent thought. They simply refuse to hear anything that could possibly be interpreted as negative about the Society or their beloved Governing Body. They practically worship everything "the Slave" says. (Now there's a misnomer if ever there was one.) The "brothers" can do no wrong. I've given up trying to reason with them or even point out obvious contradictions in their own literature. Official news reports that might put the Organization in a bad light are either outright lies or "demon-inspired" efforts to make them look bad. As someone said, "There are none so blind as those who will not see."
Still, I wish them all well and bear no animus towards any of them. I guess I pity them in a way. If they could just stand back and take a good hard look at themselves without preconceived notions, they'd be shocked. But they are blinded by the Truth© and dare not open their eyes lest it undermine their whole lives and upset their little apple cart.
Rant concluded. Resume normal operations.
i certainly wouldn't.
and if the elders wanted to have a meeting with me, i would respectfully decline.
if the elders wanted to deal with you, would you talk with them?.
No, not under any circumstances. According to their Flocking the Sheep book, if you agree to a judicial committee meeting you are acknowledging the congregation's authority over you.
Let me be clear: the Society has no flocking authority over me!